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Fate - Enhancement Mod
This Mod effects nearly every aspect of Fate. This Mod effects nearly every aspect of Fate. This is version 3 of the Greater Spell crafting mod. New to this version are a slew of monster improvements and a few spell tweaks to fit with the new monster changes. I orginally made this mod because my version of fate wasn't compatable with mod man or nearly all the other mods out there. So I downloaded many of the mods in the archive and started going through them one at a time. Many of the upgrades I found I didn't need or were already incorporated in the newest version of Fate.
Pop's Difficulty and Enhancement Mod
This mod is for Fate version 1.23b CD
Best viewed with word wrap at full screen
This is version 3 of the Greater Spell crafting mod. New to this version are a slew of monster improvements and a few spell tweaks to fit with the new monster changes. I orginally made this mod because my version of fate wasn't compatable with mod man or nearly all the other mods out there. So I downloaded many of the mods in the archive and started going through them one at a time. Many of the upgrades I found I didn't need or were already incorporated in the newest version of Fate. Eventually I found several I liked..and whittled them down to the changes listed below.
Why do only the healing spells have greater versions? Magic requirements for spells don't make much sense and are far too low. All but a few spells can be obtained for only 50 magic. The Ice spell is stronger than the fire-based ones, plus it has a slowing effect with no trade off. There's only 1 cold, but 4 fire spells; only 1 type of Charm. Mana/magic requirements seemed arbitrary. Your pet quickly becomes obsolete in the harder modes or when deep delving. These were the things I wanted to improve or expand upon. Now all spells have greater versions and most of the originals have been fine-tuned. Spells have been spread out, balanced and made more useful.
An example of this would be the charm sphere..before the highest summons required 97 in magic (this was the hightest spell cost in the game) and you could summon all 10 creatures. This meant that each creature was only used for a very small amount of time, until you get to the Drake. Overall if you do the math you could get a new summons every 2 levels on average if placing your stat pts into magic (not counting magic boosting gear). With the new requirments each creature will be used for a much longer period of time. To balance this out they now level much faster.
Change Log for Version 3
1. Overhauled every monster in the game to be more interesting.check the monster readme file for details
2. All summoned monsters start off at level 1, description updated
3. Removed duplicate demonling spell
4. Reduced Magic Skill bonuses applied to staffs by 50% (overpowered)
5. All potions/charms have floaters like the HP versions
*When in conflict the changes listed here supercede the ones below.*
Change Log for Version 2
1. Reduced stunning effect for lightning spells to -100 movement speed, updated descriptions to include stun effect
2. Corrected poison cloud display info
3. Increased web success rate from 70% to 75%
4. Decreased Blindness att rate reduction from 75% to 60% to better fit the new spell scheme
5. Decreased Frailty defense reduction from 75% to 60% to better fit the new spell scheme
6. Increased Greater Spectral Armor dmg reduction to 35% as I forgot to do this last time
7. Decreased all Elemental resistance spells (fire, ice, lightning) from 75% to 60% to fit spell scheme
8. Greater spell scrolls rarity reduced to 990 to fit in with the rest of the items
9. Poison Cloud increased dmg per second from 4 to 6
10. Fire wall description updated to include knock back effect
11. Reworked readme file to make it easier to read
12. Lightning Storm dmg per lvl reduced from 12 to 9
13. Tweaked summon spell requirements, reduced rats and skeles so that all summons gain only 1 lvl per charm skill now
14. Pet regeneration added, heals at about 1-2 hp per second, makes the natural form more useful without being overpowered
15. 16 new types of fish, 6 versions each, blends perfectly with the orginal game
16. Added minimum fishing lvls for Flawless, Elite and Legendary fish
*When in conflict the changes listed here supercede the ones below.*
1. Added Greater versions of all spells available late game requiring much higher lvls of magic to reward pure casters
2. Added slightly altered scroll icons (they have a little + sign) for Greater spells to help distinguish them from their counterparts
3. All mana values for Greater spells were increased 50%, magic requirements start at 300, and rarity increased 200 pts
4. Most spell’s aoe increased, mana and magic requirements have changed
5. Increased spell books default uses value from 10 to 20
6. Increased the value of the spell scrolls and books to better match their worth
7. Fire spells haven’t changed much.they're considered the standard and most reliable in terms of dmg
8. Cold spells are weakened (shouldn't be stronger than fire + slows creatures)
9. Lightning spells max dmg increased, least predictable but have the highest dmg ceiling of all the spells
10. New Spells:
2 new Attack spells, cold based so that the ice spells will be filled out properly like the other elements
2 new Defense spells, both having to do with curing poison
1 new Summoning spell
11. Charm’s utility spells have been boosted to provide a longer shelf life
12. Summoned minions gain levels much quicker, magic/mana requirements increased greatly
13. Defense spells have had most of their durations significantly boosted to make them useful
14. Healing spell balanced against each other with group versions being 3/4 as effective as caster only spells
15. Greater Healing and Greater Group Healing spells were altered to fit the new spell scheme
16. New charms, mana, g-mana, stamina, antidote…new icons
17. Monsters with a magic stat were given 2x or more magic to allow them to cast the tweaked spells without a problem
18. New fish versions, Elite and Legendary
1. Fireball increased dmg from 2 to 3 per lvl
2. Frost base dmg altered to 6-9 from 3-4 and +2 min/max per lvl was +3 max only
3. Lightning Strike base min dmg decreased to 1 from 7,max dmg increased from 10 to 20, max dmg per lvl increased 1 pt
4. Web aoe increased from 15 to 20ft
5. Divine Light aoe doubled from 20 to 40 ft, dmg per lvl doubled from 2 to 4
6. Fire Wall aoe radius increased to match description, dmg increased from 2 to 3 per lvl, added knock back effect
7. Area Slow aoe increased from 20 to 30 ft
8. Poison Cloud dmg increased from 2 to 9, duration per lvl decreased from 2 to 1
9. Lightning Storm aoe increased from 20 to 40 ft, max base dmg and dmg per lvl increased to compensate for the 80% hit rate
10. Shocking Burst base dmg decreased to 1, max dmg increased, max dmg per lvl increased from 4 to 5, removed min dmg per lvl gains
11. Greater Versions:
Greater Slow slowed to 40% as compared to 60%
Greater Fireball dmg increased 50%
Greater Frost dmg increased 50%
Greater Lightning Strike dmg increased 50%
Greater Scorch dmg increased 50%
Greater Muffle Magic success rate increased to 90% from 60%
Greater Web range increased to 30 ft from 20

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Greater Blindness attack rating reduced to 90% from 75%
Greater Divine Light dmg increased 50%, scare lvl increased to 30 from 20
Greater Firewall dmg increased 50%
Greater Frailty defense rating reduced by 90% from 75%
Greater Area Slow aoe increased to 40 from 30
Greater Poison Cloud dmg increased 50%
Greater Draining Aura converted dmg increased from 50% to 75%
Greater Lightning Storm dmg increased 50%
Greater Shocking Burst dmg increased 50%
Greater Meteor Strike dmg increased 50%
12. New Spells:
New spell Frigid Waters cold dmg, slows target, instant effect spell, single target, new icons
New spell Arctic Winds cold dmg, slows targets, aoe spell, new icons
*Notes* Attack spells, mana costs, and magic requirements have changed to the following: .75 to 1 ratio
1. Single target spells cost 20 mana and require 25 magic, non-dmg spells cost 30 mana and 40 magic
2. AoE spells centered on the caster cost 50 mana and require 75 magic, non-dmg spells cost 65 mana and 100 magic
3. AoE spells that are targetable cost 65 mana and require 100 magic
4. Added stunning effect to all lightning spells
1. Mental Map increased per lvl from +2 to +6
2. Town Portal increased per lvl from +2 to +3
3. Summon Spiders increased magic requirements from 16 to 25
4. Summon Rats increased magic requirements from 18 to 45
5. Summon Skeleton increased magic requirements from 22 to 75
6. Summon Mystic Blade lvl per lvl increased from .5 to 1, increased magic requirements from 30 to 100
7. Summon Vampire Bats lvl per lvl increased from .3333 to 1, increased magic requirements from 35 to 130
8. Summon Timber wolf lvl per lvl increased from .5 to 1, increased magic requirements from 39 to 165
9. Summon Frost Beatle lvl per lvl increased from .5 to 1, increased magic requirements from 46 to 200
10. Summon Shrike lvl per lvl increased from .5 to 1, increased magic requirements from 55 to 300
11. Summon Wyvern lvl per lvl increased from .25 to 1, increased magic requirements from 68 to 350
12. Summon Firedrake lvl per lvl increased from .1 to 1, increased magic requirements from 97 to 400
13. Greater Versions:
Greater Identify increased ability by 100%
Greater Mental Map increased ability by 100%
Greater Town Portal increased ability by 100%
Greater Charm Monster increased ability by 100%
14. New spell: Summon Demonling: summons 3 baby demons, new icons, magic requirement 245
SUMMONED FORMULA: 1.7 to 1 ratio
Mana requirement = Magic requirement x 1.7 (rounded)
Greater Spells Mana cost = default value x2
1. Stamina Increased base time from 10 to 12
2. Spectral Armor base time decreased from 20 to 18, per lvl increased from 1 to 6 sec
3. Minor Heal base Hp healed increased to 60 from 20, per lvl increased from 2 to 8, name changed
4. Minor Group base hp healed increased to 45 from 10, per lvl increased to 2 from 6, name changed
5. Ringing Blast increased aoe to match description, increased knockback from 6 t0 8
6. Haste decreased base time from 15 to 12 secs, per lvl increased from 1 to 2
7. Reflection base time increased from 10 to 12 secs, dmg reflect increased from 20% to 30%
8. Fear increased monster lvl scare per lvl from 1 to 3, success rate increased from 70% to 75%
9. Dervish Increased base duration from 10 to 12 secs
10. Resist Fire Base time increased from 10 to 16 secs, per lvl increased from 2 to 4
11. Resist Ice Base time increased from 10 to 16, per lvl increased from 2 to 4
12. Resist Lightning base time increased from 10 to 16, per lvl increased from 2 to 4
13. Greater Versions:
Greater Heal base Hp healed increased from 40 to 90, per lvl increased from 3 to 12, magic requirements increased
Greater Group Heal base hp healed decreased from 24 to 65, per lvl increased from 3 to 9, magic requirements increased
Greater Stamina increased duration by 50%
Greater Spectral Armor increased effectiveness by 50%
Greater Ringing Blast dmg increased 50%
Greater Haste increased effect to 50%
Greater Reflection increased reflection by 50%
Greater Fear increased lvl affected by 50%
Greater Battle Fog removed defense rating reduction penalty
Greater Dervish Increased attack speed 50%
Greater Resist Fire effectiveness increased to 90%
Greater Resist Ice effectiveness increased to 90%
Greater Resist Lightning effectiveness increased to 90%
14. New spells:
New spell Antidote cures poison on caster, remade/reused icons
New spell Group Antidote cures poison on entire party, remade/reused icons
Defensive spells, mana, and magic requirements have changed as follows: 1 to 1 ratio
1. One time instant effect caster-only spells cost 30 mana and 30 magic, group versions cost 90 mana and 90 magic
2. Booster spells cost 65 mana and 65 magic, non-combat spells cost 45 mana and 45 magic
3. Spells that effect the enemy go by their attack spell equivalents..but maintain the defensive spell ratio
1. Summon Zombie increased lvl per lvl from .5 to 1
2. Summon Mummies increased lvl per lvl from .5 to 1
3. Minor Heal Target increased base heal to 20 from 10 and per lvl heal to 4 from 2
4. Summon Demonling lvl per lvl increased from .3333 to 1
There are Elite and Legendary versions of all fish now. Elite fish turn your pet into an elite version of the specific creature, while
legendary fish turn your pet into...legendary version of the specific creature. This should make your pet useful again late game. Elite fish can be caught starting at lvl 50+ while Legendary fish can be caught starting around lvl 100+. Fish scale upwards in price and depth. All transformations for the Elite and Legendary fish are permanate. Made all fish drops rarer in an attempt to make fishing more useful
16 new fish added each has a: fingerling, small, lunker, flawless, elite and legendary version
New Fish:
1. Crab = Gryphoness
2. Angler = Greater Gargoyle
3. Glory = Intellect Devourer
4. Blue Dart Frog = Shrike Juggernut
5. Sea Snake = FireDrake
6. Rattle Snake = Icedrake
7. Moccasin = Thunderdrake
8. King Snake = Venomdrake
9. Bull Frog = Spindly Creeper
10. Clam = Emperor Abomination
11. Lobster = Armored Sharphorn
12. Poison Dart Frog = Chittering Horror
13. Tubinaria = Green Dragon
14. Mollusk = Frost Dragon
15. Hermit Crab = Thunder Dragon
16. Green Dart Frog = Venomous Dragon
*Notes* Elite Versions:
Rarity = 1000
Fishing rarity = 990
Minimum Lvl = default value +50
Minimum fishing lvl = 50
Price = default value x10
Healed = default value x2
Legendary Values = elite values x2
Installation: Back up your Spells, Icons, Items and Monsters folders then drop these ones into fate's root directory, overwrite the files when prompted and play.
This mod is not compatible with mod manager..but if you replace your original .dat files with these, then add mods on top of them it might work..assuming your .dat files are compatible.
J3st3r for the new charms
Tiptoe for the Demonling icons
Apricottwist for the 2 spells the new attack spells were taken from
little one for proof reading this mess in AZ
Spell tweaks, greater versions and new spells done by Populism
Bitor, Iubigler, Maestro, Outlawdrizzt for Bitor's fish mod, which gave me the idea, icons and template for adding new fish
Zipp & Maestro for putting up with me on the Fate forums
Heron for the Undead 'Death Touch' code
Mana cost = 1.5x default mana cost (50% increase) rounded
Effects/Dmg = 1.5x default eff/dmg (50% increase) rounded
Min/Max depth 40/120
Rarity = 1000 + default value
Value = 10x default value
Magic required = 300 + default value
*Only dmg or effects are altered..not both, in some cases where the effects were too powerful I tuned them down*
October 3rd, 2008
Monster changes
The goal here was not to just make killing monsters more difficult, but more enjoyable and dangerous. While overhauling the spell system I realized that the monsters themeselves were far too similar and, well..boring. Compounding this problem was the fact that now that I had a balanced spell system with greater versions of the attack spells meant that the old monsters would die even'd have to go deep to get any kind of challenge out of the game.
So I set about overhauling the monsters, some are fast and weak, others are slow and strong. New versions of old enemies keep things interesting, along with potent spell casters helping to round out the mix. Hope you enjoy a challenge.
General Changes:
1. Removed max spawn level for most monsters, this will allow many more monsters to be able to spawn late game
2. New versions of old monsters
3. Altered rarity..stronger monsters are rarer
4. All monster base levels set to 1, this will make most monsters much stronger in general
5. Some monsters have been given immunity to 1 type of magic
6. Some monsters have been given resistances to physical/elemental dmg
7. Monsters have been given a varity of spells, skills or abilities
8. Many monsters (mostly insect & rodent types) have been resized, all att ranges and movement speeds have been adjusted accordingly
9. Adjusted stats on most monsters, reworked HP stats many times, reworked experience
10. Removed duplicate entries and errors in the monster .dat file
11. Added the Banish Spell to more monsters to keep summoners on their toes
12. In general, bigger mobs have more health and hit harder, while smaller mobs are harder to hit and are more accurate
13. Good aligned creatures can now be seen hunting in the dungeon, they fight against evil on there own and are formidable
14. I removed annoying spells from some monsters that were boosted in Att Magic (Web, Slow, etc.)
15. Mimic can now..mimic other forms
16. Reduced the length most creatures will chase you
17. Enemies can use the Banish spell like a skill (no mana requirements or cost)
18. Lowered monster following distance, you shouldn't have to run too far to lose 'em, also this should cause them to attack pets quicker
19. Overall monster density increased
20. Monsters are spread out over 75 levels instead of 50
21. There are 6 types of Main Quest monsters
(Any changes listed for a specific monster are made on top of the changes listed for the monsters group unless other wise specified)
Warrior Skills = Dual Wield, Shield Block and Critical Strike
Mage Skills = Attack Magic, Defensive Magic and Charm Magic
Gels are tougher more robust and punching bags
1. Bad combat stats, greater HP that regenerates, removed weaknesses, immune to blunt dmg and 1 type of magic, low awareness
2. Noxious Gel: increased poison dmg
3. Voltaic Gel: added att magic skill +15
4. New monster Primordial Ooze, slow gigantic Gel with enormous HP and dmg, rare
5. Topaz, Emerald and Ruby Gels stop spawning at lvl 18
Fungi can wield more and better weapons
1. 50% increase to hit, increased str & dex so they can use more weapons
2. Removed preferred catagories so as to diversify weapon load out
3. Nocturnal Fungi: added Lighting Strike and +5 Att Magic skill
4. Fungi stop spawing after lvl 25
Rodents are smaller, harder to hit but are weak and easily dispatched
1. Large AC boost, smaller size
2. Sewer Rats: max minions increased from 5 to 6
3. Vampire Bats: life steal equals 100% of dmg instead of 5%, comes with Bat minions 2-4
4. Standard Rats & Bats stop spawning at lvl 18
Spiders are hard to hit, have good aim but still die easy if you can land a few good blows, every spider type now has a queen version
1. Very high AC & To Hit, very low HP & dmg, smaller size
2. Queens: tons of HP and they hit hard, in turn they are easier to hit and slower, changes listed above don't apply
a. Lurker and Tunnel Queens can use the Greater Web spell
3. A few spiders stop spawning between lvls 18 and 30
Insects are much smaller/weaker and come in swarms
1. Cave Beetles: smaller, weaker and harder to hit, they come in swarms of 6-12, +50% resist pierce/slash
2. Tunnel Crawlers: smaller, easier to hit but much healthier, come in swarms of 3-12
3. Elemental Beetles: +10 Att Magic Skill, AOE spell (color dependent), reduced weaknesses
4. Diseased Centipedes: easy to hit, healthier, comes with a swarm of Crawlers
5. Armored Sharhorn: easier to hit, harder to hurt, 75% resist pierce/slash, increased horn attack dmg by 100%
Svg path editor. Goblins were given better and new skills/spells
1. Increased awareness, more so for the scouts, added Warrior Skills +5 (scales upward) for melee goblins
2. Removed preferred catagories so as to diversify weapon load out
3. Goblins: come in groups of 2-6
4. Goblin Shamans: +2 to max minions, +5 Magic Skills, spell Fridged Waters added, reduced HP and AC
5. Bugbear Captains: 3x Magic Skills, spells Banish, Area Slow added
6. Bugbear Necromancers: good with magic, bad at combat, 2x Magic Skills, weak
7. Removed ranged weapons from Orcs (their melee tanks), reduced Orc vet size to that of a normal Orc
Imps were given weapon skills and reduced in size
1. Added Warrior Skills +10 to melee Imps, reduced and made similar in size
2. Removed preferred categories to help diversify weapon load out
3. Forest Imps: Come in groups of 2-7
4. Imp shamans: max minions +3, removed spells except Group Heal and Haste, Def Magic skill set to 30
5. Night Imps: +15 to Charm Magic Skill
Reptiles lightly touched up..Basilisks' attacks act more like their mythology
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1. Basilisks: can now petrify a target with their gaze attack (Bonus To Hit), healthier
2. Lizard Men: removed preferred categories, added Warrior Skills +10
3. Komodo Warriors: same as lizard men, +5 Skills, added heal spell, +20 Magic Def Skill, removed weakness, immune to Ice
4. Nagas: added Warrior Skills +10, Spectral Armor and +10 to Def Magic skill
5. Salamanders: Fire breath dmg increased, 2x range, To Hit bonus so it actually works, removed weakness, changed alignment
6. Komodo Champion: added Warrior Skills +10 and Att Magic skill +10, can only cast Drain Aura
7. Rare random encounters with Good Salamanders now possible
Undead are much more resistant to magic, better at spell casting with an unnatural heartiness
1. Immune to pure magic, elemental resistances added, most have a lower awareness, removed weaknesses
2. Removed preferred categories to help diversify weapon load out
3. Skeletons: added Warrior Skills +5, come in groups of 2 to 8
3. Zombies/Shambling Dead: are a bit faster..still very slow, increased HP, +25 Critical Strike, come in hoards of 3-7
4. Mummies: Blindness Spell added, +15 Att Magic Skill
5. Vampires/Nosferatu: Frailty Spell added, +10 to Magic Skills, 100% dmg converts to health was 15%, hard to hit
6. Ghosts/Dark Phantoms: greatly increased Magic Skills, Immune to physical dmg, low HP, high dmg
7. Lich/Lich Lord: immune to elemental dmg, increase to Magic Skills, +10 to Spell Casting Speed, weaker at combat
8. Spectre/Wraith: increased dmg, Magic Skills & Wraith max minions
9. Tomb Wizard: increased minions, increased Magic Skills, reduced HP
10. Skeletal Knights: added Warrior Skills +10
11. Zombie Kings: +30 to Critical Strike Skill, +10 to Magic Skills, +3 to max minions
12. Crypt Shambler: +3 to max minions, Magic Skills set to 30
13. Undead Giant: hits hard, added Warrior Skills +10, knocks target back regardless of weapon used
14. Undead posess a Death Touch effect where any unarmed attack against a creature has a small chance to cause instant death
15. Zombies stop spawning at lvl 30
16. New monster called Reaper, larger Lich Lord, no weapons (death touch melee) with boosted stats, quest mob only Anydrop 1 3 1 0.
Mimics are now able to assume other their name implies
1. Regenerates health, can Shapeshift into 5 different forms for a short time
2. Can assume the following shapes
a. Cat
b. Dog
c. Blob
d. Cursed Sword
e. Green Dragon
Kobolds are weaker warrior types with decent tracking ability
1. Low HP, moderate AC and To Hit, +10 Warrior Skills (scale up)
2. Removed preferred categories to help diversify weapon load out
3. Kobolds: Come in small packs of 3 to 5
4. Kobold Ravagers: decreased size, removed Att spells, added Def Magic Skill +45, leads Kobolds 2-6
5. Kobolds stop spawning at lvl 27
Ghosts Only thing in here is the Cursed Sword, it's more effective overall
1. Low to moderate health with good aim and AC values
Minotaurs are strong healthy warrior types with some weapon skill
1. Added warrior Skills, HP regeneration, removed elemental weaknesses
2. Removed preferred categories to help diversify weapon load out
3. Larger mobs also have increased str, removed ranged and staff weapons
4. Dark Taurus/Shrike Juggernauts: added knockback effect
5. Shrikes: are now good aligned creatures that can sometimes be found wandering the dungeon
Wolves are good at hunting but can't take much damage
1. Good combat stats, increased AC and Dex, best tracking ability of the lot
2. Timberwolves: are now good aligned except when lead by a Direwolf
3. Dire wolves: lead wolf packs consisting of 2-4 Timberwolves
Jackal Fiends are Moderate Warrior types..decent all around with the ability to Hasten themeselves
1. Moderate HP, AC and To Hit, added Warrior Skills (scale up), reduced to the same size, Haste Spell Added
2. Removed preferred categories to help diversify weapon load out
3. Jackal Fiend Captains: Come with a small group of Jackal fiends, Banish spell added
4. Jackal Fiend Backstabbers: have much better AC & To Hit stats than their contemporaries, +37 Def Magic Skill, smaller size
5. Jackal Fiends stop spawning at lvl 35
Cats are hard to hit for their size
1. Good combat stats, increased AC and Dex
2. Snow Stalkers: are good aligned, rare encounters possible
3. Cat (pet): much better AC and To Hit, still weak, regenerates
Golems are much tougher and less attentive
1. Easier to hit & harder to hurt, 2x resistances, removed weaknesses, lowered AC & awareness, increased strength
2. New monster..Ancient Gargoyle, larger stat boosted lvl 30 quest mob
Humans consist of Hags and their larger sisters..they're unnaturally fast and accurate
1. Lower HP, higher AC & To Hit, 2x Dex, altered spells, increased Magic Skills, immune to Magic
Giants have tons of health and hit very hard, but have no aim and are easy to hit
1. 4X str, low AC & To Hit, Knockback effect & Warrior Skills added (scales up), reduced awareness
2. Removed preferred categories to help diversify weapon load out
Dragons are the ultimate predators..expect a tough battle anytime you encounter one
1. All stats & dmg increased, removed spell casting ability
2. Wyverns: increased size, much stronger fighter than its Venomous cousin
3. Venomous Wyverns: poison more effective, better AC & Dex, slightly smaller, less physical dmg
4. Drakes: made similar in stats, stronger more accurate breath weapon, removed weaknesses
5. Dragons: huge HP & great stats all around, no AC, stronger more accurate breath weapon, removed weaknesses
Brain Beasts are even stranger now..both Mages and Warriors will find them troublesome
1. Good HP, AC and To Hit, Greatly increased mana drain attack, physical dmg reflected back to attacker
2. Brain Beasts: no spells except for Banish, 100% physical dmg reflected
3. Intellectual Devourers: can Banish others, use Mage tactics, 200% physical dmg reflected
Abominations are healthy magic users that are easy to hit
1. Good HP and To Hit with Bad AC, increased Magic, removed Slow Spell, greatly increased Magic Skills, added Banish Spell
Horses are healthy and strong
1. Str was increased along with min dmg, decreased AC and To Hit, fast regeneration
2. Unicorn: lesser dmg increase, faster regeneration, changed alignment to Good, spawnable.rare, fights evil mobs, light added
Elementals are deadly with their limited spell selections, but die quicker than most
1. Drastically increased Att Magic Skill, reduced HP, AC & To Hit, offensive spells only
2. Frost: added Frigid Waters and Artic Winds spells to round out its capabilities, similiarly to the Fire Elemental
3. Lightning: added Shocking Burst spell to round out its capabilites, similiarly to the Fire Elemental
4. New monsters Titans, larger versions of each elemental with boosted stats, quest only mobs
Demons are good light Warriors with Strong Fire Magic Spells
1. Moderate combat stats, Warrior & Att Magic Skills added (scale up), removed weaknesses
2. Removed preferred catagories to help diversify weapon load out
3. Demonlings/Devilkins: each leads a group of 2-4
4. New Monster Devil, larger Archdemons with boosted stats, quest only mob
Dogs Only Dog in the game is your pet
1. Dog (pet): equal to the Cat in every way
Yetis..especially the Titans are like super giants without the weapons
1. Super Strength, Hp & good dmg, low AC and To Hit, casts only Artic Winds, added Knock back effect
2. Titans: increased size
Gryphons have switched teams and are devastating allies..they're as healthy as a Giant, hit nearly as hard, and are far more accurate
1. Good combat stats, large health pool, 50% more dmg, good alignment with rare encounters possible
2. Gryphon: added Ringing Blast Spell, 100 Def Magic Skill, increased min lvl
3. Gryphoness: removed damaging Attack spells, set Magic Skills to 20 Att & 100 Def
1. Use your pet, especially in the begining, let them lead as they are much better fighters now
2. You can just pass up the jellies if they're too tough, they don't attack anything unless it's really close
3. Archers can kill Undead and Jellies at a distance with little to fear

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4. It's a very good idea to have some magic skill
5. Good creatures are very powerful, when one spawns stick next to them for added protection and killing power
6. When attacked by a wolf pack, kill the Dire wolf right away to get the Timberwolves on your side
7. XP values have changed dramatically and are not based soley on a ranking system..the biggest xp will be generated by rarity
8. Again use your pet..all these new tougher monsters mean tougher pet transformations (fish your ass off!)
9. In order to see all the monsters you must delve to at least level 75